🌸 Although we traditionally think of zinnias as bold, hot-palette colors, there are new ones being introduced every year, including some cool whites. There are tall, short, and spreading varieties and they all are very easy to grow, withstanding some of the worst growing conditions.
Zinnia elegans has lance-shaped, rough leaves, but other varieties can have broader, less scratchy leaves. It has a wide variety of bold-colored, rounded flowers. There are dwarf varieties and tall varieties that will grow up to 4-feet tall. Flowers can be daisy-like, double, cactus-flowered, or a formal-looking dahlia-like flower.
Plant zinnias in spring; they are hot weather lovers and will sit and wait for the temperature to warm up before really starting to grow.
Zinnia Care
Zinnias are one of the few plants that are true annuals. Many plants labeled as annuals are actually perennials that are only hardy in the warmest hardiness zones, but zinnias will be annuals everywhere.
There are spreading and dwarf zinnias that only grow about 6 to 8-inches tall, and the classic zinnia elegans can reach 4-feet tall.
Zinnia plants can take a few weeks to become established, but once it warms up, expect them to bloom from late spring right through fall. The vibrant, tropical colors of zinnias work well in a hot border, picking up the hues of other reds and oranges. They are also nice for adding dramatic color to a container.🌸